"ReShape" Contest

It takes only 90 days to develop a new habit. Start your ShapeWorks (TM) program today to attain and maintain the shape you want. It really works! [Results vary.] This "Heroic" Health Challenge involves prizes and surprises. Obtain more info on Contest page in this blog. Let me help coach you; email 4NRG2B@gmail.com or leave a message at (876)810-1234 ASAP. Create your own simple web site blog to track your progress regularly until (Jamaican) National Heroes Day, e.g. myh3rbalif3.blogspot.com/. Don't forget to fill out the Poll in the side bar on the right to indicate your level of interest in the income opportunity. ReShaping your body can help improve your bottom-line in more ways than one! Ask SAM to learn how.

Wonderful Weight Loss Video

Press "Play" button in middle of the fuzzy picture above to start video.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Herbalife Extravaganza 2007 - Dallas Texas

This "music" video summarizes the training, products' launch and celebrations in the annual Herbalife event for the Americas. All Jamaicans who attended thoroughly enjoyed the event, and all were inspired, bar none from all accounts to date.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Solutions for Aching Knees and Backs

Read the following two (2) articles by RealAge.com and Dr. Vendryes respectively to learn about helping battle pain in the knees and back.

Don't forget that green tea recommended by RealAge.com is the key ingredient in Herbal Concentrate Tea, an essential element of the Cellular Nutrition program designed by Herbalife.

My father keeps reminding me that exercises for the back is important as a preventative measure. So keep physically active. Perform regular strength training for all body parts including the spine and back to optimize your wellness.

RealAge Tip of the DAY for August 7, 2007

Everything Green Is Gold for Knees

You've heard of a green thumb. But how about green knees?

Could be a good way to describe the youthful knees of a green-tea devotee. Potent compounds in green tea -- EGCG and ECG -- may help battle cartilage and collagen destruction in arthritic joints.

Catechin Delight
The EGCG and ECG found in green tea are powerful flavonoids known as catechins. Seems these particular catechins may help fight inflammation, as well as some of the underlying mechanisms at work in both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

A Better Plan?
Of course, drinking a few cupfuls of green tea each day is no guarantee against knee pain, so here are a few of the more tried-and-true methods for keeping knees healthy:

• Lose weight if you are overweight. Excess pounds raise your risk of knee arthritis.
• Play it safe. A knee injury will triple your risk of knee osteoarthritis. When you exercise, take proper precautions to avoid getting hurt.
• Strengthen your quads. Weak quadriceps muscles are associated with knee arthritis, so work them out regularly, along with your hamstrings and all of your other leg muscles.

Feel something crunching and creaking in your knees? Early intervention can slow arthritis progression. Answer these questions to see if you could have osteoarthritis.

RealAge Benefit: Getting 31 milligrams of flavonoids -- like EGCG and ECG -- a day can make your RealAge 3.2 years younger.

Getting back in the game
published: Monday | August 6, 2007

Our backbone (spine) is extremely important to our health.

The entire body is under the control of the nerves that originate in the spinal cord. Any disturbance in th of the spine can cause pressure, irritation or inflammation to these nerves and result in a wide range of disturbances and malfunction in various parts of the body. Backache is often a symptom of a spine that is out of alignment.

Backache is also a very common complaint and is second only to the common cold as the most frequent cause for absence from work. Millions of production man-hours are lost every year because of backache, not to mention the suffering and expense to individuals who fall victim. Almost half of all working adults complain of backache every year.


After much suffering and expensive investigations, some are forced to resort to expensive spinal surgery. How about a simple non-invasive therapy for spinal and overall health.

I have been using a technology called the Livelong Bed, based on the principles of chiropractics combined with those of traditional Chinese medicine. By lying on this Livelong device - a special bed - the individual receives a combination of the following therapies:

1. Spinal massage

2. Chiropraction

3. Acupressure/moxibustion

4. Far infrared light/heat/jade

According to ancient Chinese medicine, the spine must be properl> so that there is no pressure on the spinal cord. This allows the flow of 'chi' (the body's vital energy) to be undisturbed, and balance to be maintained.

If our spine is out o our health starts failing. In oriental science, doctors treat the whole body instead of trying to fix just one malfunction of symptom. Everything is part of a much bigger system, which if strong, can either prevent the illness, or heal an existing problem with very little help.


Spinal massage relaxes muscles and tendons around the spine, relieving pressure on the spinal cord, unblocking nerves, and adjusting the spine. The spinal massage also relaxes and prepares the back for the other components of the whole treatment.


Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Chiropractic physicians are a special type of doctor with the letters DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) after their name. They are particularly trained to deal with problems related to misalignment of the backbone. Chiropractic treatment can be extremely effective in correcting back pain and other problems related to the spine, Unfortunately, there are only a few chiropractors currently practicing in Jamaica. Along with the benefits of spinal massage, the device called Livelong helps to create correc using chiropractic principles.


Acupressure and moxibustion are variations of acupuncture in which specific points on the back are stimulated with pressure and heat, instead of needles. These techniques unblock what in oriental science are called meridians, or the 12 energy channels along which 'chi' (the body's energy) flows.

According to oriental medicine, the illness starts when the flow of chi is disturbed. To maintain, or restore the chi flow, different techniques are used such as acupuncture, acupressure, and moxibustion.

Acupuncture is one of the most popular techniques used in oriental medicine. Livelong it uses no needles, produces the same effect as acupuncture, acupressure and moxibustion combined.


Going back to principles of oriental medicine, proper blood circulation and clean blood are essential to our well-being. The Livelong technology uses jade projectors and carbon panels which produce far infrared heat and light.

Both heat and light are essential in the healing and detoxifying processes. Heat and far infrared light help the body slowly clean the toxins from our system. They also stimulate the generation of new red-blood cells from the bone marrow, an important energy booster, especially for those whose immune systems are weak or who are anaemic.

Along with the heat, the far infrared light penetrates deep into the tissues and organs, reducing swelling and inflammation, helping the body heal in a safe and non-invasive way. Other forms of heat and light treatments do not penetrate as far below the surface of the body.

Jade is a semi-precious stone, which for ages has been used in oriental medicine to help stimulate 'chi'. Jade is incorporated in the Livelong device because of its ability to hold and transmit the heat and far infrared light into the body.

Livelong is not just a temporary measure to treat, control, or diminishsymptoms of a particular condition. It does and will help the body to improve our problems, but it is also about maintenance and prevention! Daily adjustments of the spine, detoxifying, maintaining blood and 'chi' circulation result in strong bodies able to fight and prevent diseases.

Our world is changing. These changes can make it even harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Through extensive scientific research and development, the Livelong technology has successfully integrated the traditional principles of Eastern and Western medicine. It is now available right here in Jamaica.

Email Dr. Tony Vendryes at vendryes@mac.com, log on to www.anounceofprevention.org, or listen to 'An Ounce of Prevention' on POWER 106FM on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Success Builder Dinner / MoBay Independent STS

Recently, I went to four (4) worthwhile Herbalife events:
* Success Builder Dinner (July 26, 7 - 9 pm)
* MoBay Independent STS (July 28, 10 - 5 pm)
* Quick Start (July 29, 3 - 6 pm)
* Personal Development Training (July 30, 12 - 2 pm)

Success Builder Dinner
The Success Builder Dinner was special because I was honored. It was an interesting experience that I thoroughly enjoyed. Of the five honorees present, two were very nervous to present their stories to the audience. I spoke twice because after I sat down after sharing my personal results with gusto, I realized that I had said nothing about the incredible results of some of my customers; I requested that I share briefly a second time.

Mrs. Vendryes, President Team Member, gave a Success magazine to each of the guests. She mentioned that I was a thinker and pointed out that the persons on the magazine cover looked happy (apparently like me). Kathleen Russell Miller, Millionaire Team Member, was particularly encouraging to me both right before and after the dinner.

My only guest came very late; yet, she said that she wanted to start a commercial nutrition club. Given that I am hoping to sponsor a nutrition club owner soon, I was glad to hear that she was no longer using her pregnancy and other factors as an objection. Ms. Miller pointed out to my guest that she could start at home, recommending that she watch the training DVD to get started. Over all, it was a memorable event.

Montego Bay Independent Success Training Seminar
I am glad that I went to the meeting for several reasons. I drove down with a Global Expansion Team member and back with a Millionaire Team member who gave good advice while driving. Moreover, Dr. Dunn's Product training was excellent. The "Just Got Back" [from annual Herbalife Extravaganza training] review was mixed for me; however, it is clear that the training was worthwhile for every Jamaican who took that trip to Dallas Texas. It is interesting to learn that there is a 18 year old who is a Millionaire Team member. Moreover, one participant referred to the fact that steps were outlined to get to President Team member. Of course, I have seriously reviewed these notes in the PDF file online.

Each part of this QuickStart training was well done. The only problem was that I had no guests. I am glad that Stuart O'Sullivan promised to show a review of Dallas Extravaganza at 2:30 pm at the next QuickStart in August.

Personal Development Training
I have been attending training at the warehouse for over a month. I was glad that the trainer chose to stick to personal development training instead of focusing on the end-of-month goals. She instructed us all to do a personal inventory. She mentioned that your area of strength could also be an area of weakness. I think that this is definitely true in my case. I also learnt about the history of the Success Builder Dinner; apparently, it is copied from a very successful Chairman Club member (#2 distributor). I was good to be reminded that hard work (effort) is essential in the business in addition to the skill set and commitment mentioned in Herbalife's annual compensation PDF document.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Chronic Tonic: Ounce of Prevention

Chronic tonic - Preventing lifestyle diseases now

Dr. Vendryes, Daily Gleaner
Ounce of Prevention
published: Monday | July 30, 2007

Many of our commonest illnesses are referred to as chronic degenerative diseases. Why? Because they develop slowly, over many years, from abuse and poor care and end up causing severe pain, suffering and even death. In effect, our bodies degenerate because of the way we treat them. Examples of these diseases are heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes and hypertension.

The undeniable medical evidence is that poor nutrition and bad lifestyle choices during childhood predispose us to these debilitating degenerative diseases later in life.


Medical research has established an indisputable link between nutrition and health. Literally hundreds of scientific studies have indicated a strong association between diet and the incidence of chronic degenerative disease.

We know, for example, that by eating a varied and balanced diet that is low in saturated fat and rich in fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates (particularly fibre), we can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and type two diabetes.

Diets high in tomato products containing lycopene are known to reduce the incidence of prostate cancer in men. And diets rich in green leafy vegetables, particularly those containing lutein, are associated with reducing the risk of macular degeneration, a common cause of blindness.


Medical evidence further shows that chronic degenerative diseases are not necessarily diseases of old age. Their beginnings are often evident in children, adolescents, and young adults. Here are some examples of killer illness that could be prevented in childhood:


We know, for example, that heart disease starts in childhood. A recent article published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows the beginnings of heart disease in children two to 15 years old. The study further reported that the prevalence of heart disease increases with age, affecting about 30 per cent of adolescents 16-20 years old, 50 per cent of young adults 21-25 years old, and 70 per cent of adults 26-39 years old.

Other research shows that:

30-40 per cent of heart disease deaths directly result from obesity.

Childhood obesity doubles the risk of adult obesity (Bad habits start early).

The most effective strategy for preventing heart disease in adulthood is to prevent obesity in childhood. Unfortunately, more Jamaican children are overweight today than ever before.


Most cancers take decades to develop before they are diagnosed. Our cells have many safeguards against cancerous proliferation, and it generally takes decades for enough genetic damage to accumulate to override all the safeguards. And once a cell becomes cancerous, it can take decades more before a tumour is detected. Because we estimate that 30-35 per cent of all cancers are related to diet, we can logically assume that childhood diet plays a significant role in defining adult cancer risk and growing medical evidence supports this assumption


Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease tied to poor nutrition during early years. Studies show that maintaining good calcium nutrition, exercise and attaining high bone mineral density during adolescence lead both to stronger bones and to reduced risk of osteoporosis later in life. In fact, it is estimated that adolescent girls who increase bone mass by as little as five per cent during their teen years can reduce the risk of osteoporosis after menopause by 40 per cent.


Further research has linked the intake of certain vitamins and minerals to long-term health. Supplementing with vitamin E (400-800 IU per day) is linked to a reduction of heart disease. Calcium and vitamin D are known to reduce bone loss and the risk of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. Folicacid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 can lower blood homocysteine, a serious risk factor for heart disease.

In short, good nutrition - achieved through a balanced diet and supplementing with optimal levels of appropriate vitamins and minerals is critical for preventing these chronic illness.


The essential point is that good nutrition is a life-long imperative. To optimise our health over a lifetime, we must nourish ourselves properly during all stages of life. The time to eat well and practise good nutritional habits is now, whether you are four, 14, 34, or 64 years old. It is essential that we teach our children how to eat today to prevent the chronic degenerative diseases of tomorrow.

Email Dr. Tony Vendryes at vendryes@mac.com, log on to www.anounceofprevention.org, or listen to 'An Ounce of Prevention' on Power 106FM on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

June Success Training Seminar, Kingston, Jamaica

Dr. Steven Komadina, President's Team & US State Senator, with SAM

June 2007 Success Training Seminar
Jamaica Conference Centre, Kingston

SAM with other Success Builder honorees
June 2007

SAM's role as timekeeper at STS
June 2007

New Millionaire Team Members, Dr. B. Dunn and Dr. H. Russell-Dunn
Celebration with their team, June STS 2007

Newly Honored Millionaire Team Members
Pose with K. Russell Miller,
soon-to-be Millionaire Team Member
STS June 2007

Kathy Russell Miller became a Millionaire Team Member in the following month, July 2007. The organizational team of a Millionaire Team Member retails US$80,000 (Volume Points) for three (3) consecutive months. As such, qualifying at this level in Herbalife's marketing plan is a significant achievement; as such, the rewards associated with this designation are simply amazing. Details to follow....

Monday, July 23, 2007

My Dream

I have a dream.

My dream is to significantly reduce the level of obesity in Jamaica and throughout the global community connected via the Internet. This action directly reduces the health costs of my island state as well as indirectly improves the global economy.

My dream is to create the best ReShape blog in cyberspace that is dynamic, informative and relevant, catering to adult English language readers, anytime (24/7), anywhere in the world. I facilitate supportive relationships online that help persons attain and maintain a healthy body composition (shape).

My dream is to have a financial freedom account that can support my (simple) lifestyle for the rest of my earthly life. In the near future, my interest on my investments are substantial. Moreover, I own a wonderful home with fruit trees, a great gym, well-stacked library and spacious jacuzzi.

As Jimmy Cliff sings, "I can see clearly now."

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshinin' day
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshinin' day

Oh yes, I can make it now the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshinin' day

Look all around, there's nothing but blue skies
Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Here's the rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshinin' day
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshinin' day
Real, real, real, real bright, bright sunshinin' day
Yeah, hey, it's gonna be a bright, bright sunshinin' day

I can hardly believe that these dreams are possible and probable because of Herbalife International. Last night, I went to the "Just Got Back" meeting at the Altamont Court Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica. The meeting recapped the inspiring and teachable moments of the annual Herbalife Extravaganza in Dallas, Texas - from a Jamaican perspective. It was memorable in more ways than one!

Join me in my quest to becoming a superb Professional Herbalife Distributor. Now is the time. As someone said last night, "let's stop dragging our feet." Another fellow read a quote that I'll paraphrase: It is foolish to be thirsty when you are surrounded by an abundance of water.

Herbalife is associated with health and wealth. If you are interested, email me at 4nrg2b@gmail.com or call (876)810-1234 for more information. Let me help facilitate your education about wellness and prosperity.

"If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around. " Jim Rohn

In case you are skeptical about this opportunity, I suggest you read by first blog entry to see how I dealt with some of my own challenges with Herbalife.

Moreover, I would also suggest that you listen to an Ounce of Prevention radio program on Power 106 FM on Fridays (8 p.m. Jamaican time). It streams live on the Internet each week.

I am fascinated about the possibility of using my blog as a form of advertising outside of my everyday circle of influence. When I read blogs such as http://www.diets-blog.com/businessopportunity/ and http://news.larryward.com/, I remember the famous Jim Rohn quote: Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness - great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation, and great joy. Larry Ward indicates that he has made US$5,000,000 from just three (3) of his downline supervisors over fourteen and one-half (14.5) years. That's no monkey money. You can read his story on the official Herbalife web site too. To accumulate wealth by helping others involves win-win relationships. What a noble enterprise!

Herbalife works for you if you keep working! So, here's another quote from Jim Rohn: "Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day."

A Short History of My Herbalife Experience
I decided to visit a nutrition club here in Jamaica because I listened to the advice and stories on the "Ounce of Prevention" radio program over many weeks. By visiting a nutrition club for a meal replacement (Shake and Tea) once daily, I got my easiest weight-loss results; the club owner presented the option to buy the products at a discount. As a research-driven individual, I decided to investigate the pros and cons of Herbalife by reviewing various web sites, asked many questions to my sponsor-to-be, as well as talking to my friends. After much thought, I signed up as a discounted customer. As I used more products, I noticed some changes in myself, e.g. my increased energy level due to NRG tablets. Soon after, I visited various Herbalife meetings, talked to many sidelines, and continue to read more online as well as in hard copy. For example, see today's article on curbing your cravings by Dr. Vendryes on my blog.

Basically, by utilizing the basic "Use. Wear. Talk" Herbalife philosophy, I started earning a part-time income in addition to my income as a lecturer at a tertiary institution. This summer, I have started to work with a full-time attitude. A part of my new adventure is starting this blog; it's an enjoyable experience. The journey is exciting, although there are some potholes in the road. I expect to master my new life as a a PhD Candidate (Professional Herbalife Distributor) in 2007. In my vision, I practice my art as long as I remain passionate about the results achieved through impacting lives.

[By the way, I am still trying to master my life as an academian during this decade. I am currently enrolled in a course to learn Moodle in order to offer a blended learning experience using both classroom and online instruction for my UTech courses.]

Google Alerts is a useful tool if you would like to review regular updates on any topic of interest; as such, I have requested a daily Google Alert on web sites and blogs related to Herbalife. In a nutshell, based on my experiences and readings, the good about Herbalife far outweighs the bad. It seems that there are unethical persons who become Herbalife distributors; as such, if you are seriously interested in the business opportunity, it is prudent that you link up with a competent PhD candidate: Professional Herbalife distributor, who keeps practicing and perfecting his craft through persistence and ongoing training. We all have heard the saying "Practice makes perfect"; wisdom often lives in simple concepts! Take heed.

Herbalife is not a pyramid scheme. Moreover, Herbalife Jamaica is outstanding. We have the greatest retention rate in Herbalife International. I'll say more on the topic of multi-level marketing companies and pyramid schemes another time.... At any rate, some Herbalife distributors are decidedly prosperous.

Thoughts on Prosperity
At the "Just Got Back" meeting last evening, Ms. Valentine spoke of her transformation from vendor at Coronation Market to a Professional Herbalife Distributor who lost many dozens of pounds, resigned from her market vendor job, and gained an exciting life through Herbalife. She has funded an addition to her house costing over J$1,000,000 with her nutrition club funds. Her story was compelling; many people were visibly moved to HOPE through her Honesty, Openness, Passion and Energy.

Recently, I attended the “Wake Up To Your Prosperity” seminar held Saturday, July 14 2007 at the Pegasus Hotel was presented by Global Institute For Transformation & Enlightenment (GIFTE) and sponsored by Digicel & Jamaica Money Market Brokers (JMMB). It provided much food for thought. I thought that the action steps highlighted were particularly helpful, especially implementing a financial freedom account (FFA). I was being reminded (yet again) about this "best-selling" concept of paying yourself first; the forum helped focus my attention on why priority should be given to this area of financial planning. Moreover, the online newsletter I received today provided an effective follow-up to the seminar.

The main facilitator, Courtney Kazambe, posits that "prosperity is about faith in your own ability to create a successful life script for yourself by seeing the world you live in as a place that is filled with unlimited opportunities."

Selected Action Steps To Achieve Prosperity
Open a Financial Freedom Account (FFA); put 10% (of your gross income)in your FFA from each paycheck.

Decide on your 12 month FFA target. Post the target on your bathroom mirror, write it in your cheque book, put it in your wallet/purse - remind yourself about it everyday. Write it in the present tense. Relate to it as a done deal.

Repeat Affirmations (about abundant living) twice per day.

Key Practices
* Create and live by an inspiring vision of yourself.

* Speak only that which you want, not that which you don't want.

* Take actions consistent with the vision you have created.
Source: Email from Global Institute for Transformation & Enlightenment, GIFTE, http://www.mygifte.com/

"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn

This blog entry is a step in the right direction! Motto: "Loving Life, Living Love"

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following are common questions and answers about Herbalife provided by the Herbalife Medical Advisory Board.

1. What is Herbalife?

Herbalife is a scientifically formulated, herbal-based calorie-reduced nutritional "shake" or meal replacement drink (Formula #1) to which has been added food supplements containing important vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and nutritional herbs. The Herbalife regimen has been used for weight control and maintenance of good health for over 23 years by literally millions of individuals in more than 56 countries.

2. Don't you lose weight on Herbalife because you skip meals?

No. Herbalife's calorie-reduced regimen encourages participants to eat three meals daily. Two meals are in the form of our nutritionally-balanced meal replacement drink, and the third is a meal of your choice, following guidelines offered by the company. In addition, Herbalife has devised a seven-day recommended meal plan which is distributed with its regimen. Diets which require people to skip meals are unhealthy and promote binge eating.

3. Is Herbalife a "liquid protein" or starvation diet?

Definitely not! Herbalife is neither of these. Our regimen supplies at least 1200-1500 Calories (5020-6300 kilojoules) daily and is nutritionally complete so individuals can lose weight safely and effectively, and, just as importantly, keep the weight off. "Liquid protein" diets, which use nutritionally unbalanced protein-based drinks, or starvation diets which reduce calories to such low levels (less than 500 Calories or 2100 kilojoules daily) that people literally starve to lose weight are both extremely unhealthy and have less than 20% long-term success.

4. How does Herbalife work?

Herbalife supplies all the balanced nutrition the body needs on a daily basis. Individuals who choose to, can lose excess weight by reducing excess calories and not sacrifice important nutrients like protein, potassium and iron. As a result, they feel their best while they lose both excess weight and inches.

5. Is Herbalife "natural"?

The Herbalife regimen is based entirely on nutrition and herbs. The regimen does not use drugs, medications, hormones or other synthetic agents to promote weight loss. All ingredients in the Herbalife regimen must fulfill three important conditions: purity, quality, and stability.

6. What causes the feeling of increased energy? Is it caffeine?

The weight loss and energy-enhancing effects of Herbalife are the result of its scientifically balanced nutritional formula and are not due to caffeine or any natural or synthetic stimulant.

Herbalife's 100% herbal product Natural Guarana tea and tablets contain pure guarana which has a naturally occurring caffeine content of about 30mg per tablet (the same amount of caffeine in a small cola drink).

Instant Herbal Beverage also contain small amounts of naturally-occuring caffeine of any sort in any Herbalife product.

7. What do the herbs do and are they safe?

Herbs are nature's nutritional bounty. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fibre and related nutrients essential for good health.

The herbal mixtures used in Herbalife products have been created by experts to maximize nutritional value.

The herbs are the highest quality available anywhere in the world and are free of pesticide residues and other contaminants.

Tablet preparation of the herbal mixtures occurs under strict quality control to assure purity and safety.


No Hassle, No Questions Asked!

If for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with any Herbalife product purchased from us simply return the unused portion of the Herbalife product within 30 days from the date you ordered the product, in it's original Herbalife container or box to us for a *REFUND!


How soon after I place my order does my order ship?

Within 24 hrs of being placed and paid for during business days. Actual delivery time varies slightly depending on your location in relation to the Warehouses in your country, but will be delivered to your door.

Most major cities can expect delivery within 2 to 3 business days. Some country areas or International orders may take 7 to 10 business days.


Medical Advisory Board

Herbalife's Medical Advisory Board (MAB) is chaired by Dr. David Heber and includes award-winning doctors who guide product research and development to ensure the quality, benefits and safety of all products.

Scientific Advisory Board

Herbalife has its own Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) committed to advancing the field of nutritional science.

Medical Affairs Group
Herbalife's Medical Affairs Group (MAG) includes leading authorities in nutritional science, manufacturing and product innovation.

The Mark Hughes Cellular & Molecular Nutrition Laboratory

As a wellness pioneer, Herbalife has donated funds to establish a research laboratory at the Center for Human Nutrition at UCLA.*

What is Herbalife?

Herbalife is a total wellness company offering high-quality weight-loss, nutritional and personal-care products. Herbalife products are sold by a team of more than one-million independent Distributors in more than 64 countries worldwide.

What is direct selling?

Direct selling is defined as, "The sale of a consumer product or service, person-to-person, away from a fixed retail location." It is the selling model used to distribute Herbalife products.

Although direct selling has been around for thousands of years, it has become increasingly popular since the 1950's. Today, many shoppers prefer the higher level of personalized care afforded by direct sales.

What makes Herbalife different from other companies?

Herbalife believes in simplifying good nutrition, making improved health, weight management and enhanced personal care easy to understand and available to everyone for a lifetime.

Distributors can customize programs just for you to make it easy to achieve your wellness goals. Plus, Herbalife is the only company with Cellular Nutrition® technology for your maximum benefit. For more information on Cellular Nutrition®, click here.

Can Herbalife help me lose weight and keep it off?

Yes! For 25 years Herbalife has helped millions of satisfied customers achieve their ideal weight and maintain it with scientifically advanced weight-management programs.

Herbalife offers both a calorie-controlled and a carbohydrate-controlled approach to weight loss, helping you find the program that works best for you.

Based on improved Cellular Nutrition®, Herbalife's weight-management programs can help you feel better, have more energy and maintain a healthy weight for life. To learn more about Herbalife weight management, click here.

What is Herbalife Outer Nutrition®?

Science has discovered that many of the same nutrients and botanicals that support good health when taken internally can also enhance appearance and well-being used externally.

Herbalife has used this principle to develop a range of personal-care formulas, for body, skin and hair. View the Outer Nutrition® Skin Care and Hair Care products here.

How do I know Herbalife products are safe and effective?

Herbalife places a top priority on providing high-quality, safe and effective products. Herbalife works closely with both the Scientific and Medical Advisory Boards, a team of distinguished doctors, scientists and nutritional experts, who help develop the products.

Through a donation from Herbalife, the Mark Hughes Cellular & Molecular Nutrition Laboratory has been established at the University of California, Los Angeles.


An Ounce of Prevention: Curbing your Cravings

Dr. Anthony Vendryes
The Gleaner (Jamaican newspaper)
published: Monday | July 23, 2007

Many normal individuals have abnormal eating habits. Have you ever asked yourself, "Why can't I control my eating? I am a successful person in other aspects of my life, but when it comes to eating, I am frustrated by my lack of willpower and I am losing my self-esteem. I am fat and my health is at risk."

Here are some of the common reasons for those food cravings:


Research has confirmed that many of us simply cannot eat sugars and starches without it causing uncontrolled eating. This is caused by fluctuating blood sugar levels. Check out the physical, emotional, and mental highs and lows, the cravings created, and the response you have to eating sugars and processed carbohydrates.

What happens to your blood sugar when you eat a high-carbohydrate diet? Processed carbohydrates (starches and sugars) rapidly break down into glucose that goes straight into your blood. When you eat a high-carbohydrate meal, your blood sugar can quickly rise to a dangerous level.

Your body functions best when your blood sugar is in the normal range. If your blood sugar gets high, it naturally produces the hormone insulin that takes sugar from the blood and deposits it into the cells. A high level of insulin will rapidly clear out the sugar from the blood. As a result, the opposite state may occur - hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.

You may be familiar with the feelings of low blood sugar - being tired, nervous, sleepy, irritable and yes, hungry. To bring blood sugar levels back up, your body sends your brain a chemical message saying, 'I need sugar, eat sugar.' Hence, you crave sodas, bread, biscuits, cakes, pasta, or anything with sugar or starch. In effect, carbohydrate cravings are a biochemical response to low blood sugar. Your cravings are not just a lack of willpower! This is a very common cause of uncontrolled eating.


Alcohol is another common cause. Biochemically, sugar and alcohol are much the same thing. The alcohol and the sweets both raise your blood sugar, but alcohol is able to spike your blood sugar twice as quickly. To make matters worse, alcohol contains empty calories - calories without any nutritional value.

Alcohol is also toxic to your brain. Experts say a single drink will destroy as many as 100,000 brain cells. So, if you have carbohydrate cravings and poor eating habits, stop taking alcohol.


For other people, compulsive eating is related to deficiencies in brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. If you lack these substances, e.g. serotonin, dopamine, or one of the other essential chemical communicators in your brain, the resulting behaviour is cravings for carbohydrates, especially sugar and flour products.

Because of the potent blood sugar-elevating effect of foods like flour products, sodas, chocolates, potatoes, white rice, and corn, many people compulsively eat them when these deficiencies exist. On the other hand, increasing your intake of healthy, high-quality protein like soy or fish or organic poultry will diminish those cravings.


Compulsive overeating is characterised by uncontrollable eating and consequent weight gain. Compulsive overeaters use food as a way to cope with stress, emotional conflicts and daily problems. The food can block out feelings and emotions. Compulsive overeaters usually feel out of control and are not aware their eating patterns are abnormal.

Bulimia is another very serious eating disorder in which the individual overeats and then induces vomiting and purging to allow them to eat more. This disease needs expert medical attention.


If you are ready to put an end to your food cravings and overeating, here are a few simple guidelines:

1) Eat enough healthy protein: Each person has a level of protein in their daily diet that is right for them. This is related to the amount of protein in your body, a measurement known as your lean body mass. Experts recommend that you eat up to 1g of protein for each pound of your lean body mass. Adequate protein will prevent blood sugar imbalance and preserve your lean body mass.

2) Eat healthy carbohydrates: Make fresh fruit and vegetables your main carbohydrate foods. It is recommended that women eat seven servings and men nine servings of fresh fruit and vegetables daily. These foods are excellent sources of fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and cancer-protective substances.

3) Eat five or more times daily: Do not go for long periods without eating. Between your main meals, have a few healthy snacks - healthy protein, e.g. soy nuts, low-sugar fruit, e.g. apples or raw vegetables.

4) Take supplements: Have a high-quality multivitamin and mineral supplement with each main meal. Vitamins and minerals are essential for proper blood sugar control and healthy brain chemistry. Chromium and the omega-3 fats are particularly useful supplements for blood sugar control.

5) Get support: Find a support system that will assist you in following the guidelines above as well as the caring and emotional support you may need. Hundreds of special facilities called nutrition clubs now exist all over Jamaica. They are designed to provide nutrition as well as the support and advice you may need.

Control your food; don't let food control you.

Email Dr. Anthony Vendryes at vendryes@mac.com, log on to www.anounceofprevention.org, or listen to 'An Ounce of Prevention' on Power 106FM on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Solution for the Global Epidemic of Obesity

With the proliferation of fast food chains and sedentary lifestyles across the world, malnutrition (literally bad food intake) has shifted from problems with starvation to problems associated with overeating. As such, globally, more people are overweight than are undernourished. This is a disaster that can be prevented.

Here are the facts:

"Number of people worldwide who are overweight: 1 billion
Number of people worldwide who are undernourished: 800 million"
World Health Organization, 2006

"In higher protein-diets, when combined with exercise, dieters tend to lose fat rather than muscle."
Journal of Nutrition, 2005

"Being obese increases an individual's risk of approximately 30 serious medical conditions."
American Obesity Association, 2002

Source: http://akmal-herbalife.blogspot.com/search/label/Global%20Epidemic

We are literally digging our graves with our teeth by excess caloric consumption. Herbalife is a great option for a healthy meal. Compare the nutritional content of a latte and muffin with a soy shake by viewing a PDF file.

The quotations above was taken from the blog of a young Malysian female. She also describes the solution in another blog entry presented below.

Real Results for Real People
"HERBALIFE has more than 50 million satisfied customers (in writing) all around the world. This does not include those who are satisfied and do not write ok! We (satisfied consumers) are not even popular artists nor are we paid to be the walking advertisements for HERBALIFE. But here we are, proud enough to show our great results, proud to share it with everyone we know and we are convinced with the excellent nutritions we received everyday in our shakes... !

Avoid 3G syndrome : GEBU, GEMUK, GEMPAL which is becoming an epidemic to our younger generations. Yes, they might be cute. We all love to feed good food to these kids because we love to see them eating happily. But in fact, we're pushing them more towards obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, low self esteem, heart problems and more problems as they grow older. Do we really love the kids if we're shoving all these diseases into the mouths of our little ones? You tell me."

Source: http://akmal-herbalife.blogspot.com/search/label/herbalife%20tips

Interested in learning more about Herbalife? Here's the start of a summary below from FAQ page on a Herbalife distributor web site:

Quality Assurance

The Herbalife logo is your assurance of a high-quality product, support that's always there for you, and a guarantee of satisfaction you can trust.

Since 1980, Herbalife has been at the forefront of improving personal nutrition through it's family of trusted consultants, creating advanced products that deliver enhanced benefits to millions of individuals in 59 countries worldwide.

Manufactured using quality ingredients under strictly controlled procedures, this Herbalife quality product has been developed in accordance with government regulations.

Scientific Commitment

As a leader in the wellness industry, Herbalife has proudly established three scientific bodies: the Medical Advisory Board, Scientific Advisory Board and Medical Affairs Group. Together, these teams, comprised of distinguished doctors, award-winning scientists and renowned wellness experts, help advance the field of nutritional science, ensure Herbalife products are high quality and educate customers worldwide on every aspect of good health.


Friday, July 20, 2007

Success Builder Dinner (KGN) July 19 2007

There were eighty-five (85) dinner guests, including eleven (11) Success Builder honorees, at the Success Builder Dinner at the Shirley Retreat Center, Maeven Avenue in Kingston yesterday. A Success Builder is a Herbalife distributor who orders US$1000 of products at one time at a forty-two percent (42%) discount.

The guest speaker was Stuart O'Sullivan, Global Expansion Team member. He spoke about obstacles to doing Herbalife business, including fear of uncertainty, fear of relationships and fear of failure. He noted that Jamaica's retention rate in Herbalife of seventy-two percent (72%) far exceeded the average retention rate of just over twenty percent (> 20%) globally. He also went on to say that while the average growth in the direct sales industry is just two percent (2%), the growth of Herbalife is twenty percent (20%)! Herbalife is outstanding....

An overview of the annual Herbalife Extravaganza 2007 in Dallas Texas from a Business Wire feed is copied below. You may also view my blog entry on Extravanganza 2007. The post includes pictures of the Jamaican experience.

Herbalife Hosts over 10,000 in Dallas
LOS ANGELES-(Business Wire)-July 16, 2007 - Herbalife Ltd., (NYSE:HLF) a global nutrition and direct selling company, held its annual North America extravaganza in Dallas, Texas, this past weekend for over 10,000 independent Herbalife distributors with two product launches, recognition and training.

Two new products were introduced for sale in the U.S. at the event, which was held at the Dallas Convention Center and Reunion Arena:

— H3O(TM) fitness drink formulated to provide rapid hydration, sustained energy, and antioxidant protection.

— Herbalife Kids, a new line of nutrition products which includes shakes and multivitamins with protein, fiber, and 100 percent of key nutrients kids need daily.

Training sessions were conducted by company and distributor leadership, as well as by members of the company's Nutrition Advisory Board. The company also announced that the number of new supervisors during the first six months of 2007 increased 24 percent compared to the same period in 2006.

Distributors also participated in a charity run to benefit the Herbalife Family Foundation Casa Herbalife program, which helps to bring good nutrition to children.

On Friday morning, Michael Johnson, chairman and CEO, conducted a live video presentation from the Home Depot Center during the L.A. Galaxy press conference where David Beckham and the team's new jersey were officially introduced. Herbalife is the presenting sponsor of the team.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Don't 'waist' time; use ShapeWorks

If you're overweight, losing twenty (20) or more pounds of fat can actually improve your health. Since the rapid increase in obesity over the last two decades has contributed significantly to more cases of lifestyle diseases, this is no trivial matter. We can lower health care costs by decreasing prevalence of excess fat on our bodies.

On a personal note, the ShapeWorks products have helped me lose twenty pounds (20 lbs) easily. The Personal Protein Powder has helped me improve my physique and functional strength as I weight train at the gym. I look forward to competing in Power lifting competitions again soon, without over training or 'starving' myself to reach my desired weight category. I am consistently consuming excellent nutrition including the Formula #1 Shake. Best of all, my energy levels are markedly improved with a combination of NRG tablets and Herbal Concentrate Tea.

An overview of the ShapeWorks program is described at the following web site: http://www.herbalifeww.com/ca/products/Shapeworks.asp In addition, please read the following article that was published recently in a Jamaican paper.

Don't 'waist' time! - Changing your shape could change your life
Dr. Vendryes
Published: Daily Gleaner, Monday | July 16, 2007

Ounce of Prevention

As the epidemic of obesity expands its reach, more and more people are paying attention to their body weight. But medical experts now recognise that body shape and composition are even more important than your body weight. As individuals we have our own unique shapes and we should recognise and appreciate that. But there is one area where the accumulation of excess fat is a medical disaster.


All the evidence points to excess body fat around the waist, what doctors call truncal obesity, as the most dangerous type of obesity. Men with a waist measurement greater than 39 inches, and women whose waists are more than 34 inches, have a 500 per cent increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, several cancers and a long list of other diseases.

A concentrated effort to trim the national waistline could empty half of Jamaica's hospital beds and dramatically reduce the pain and suffering created by the sicknesses listed above.


Shapeworks is the most scientifically sophisticated, yet easy-to-use plan designed to correct the problem of excess body fat.

It was developed by Dr. David Heber, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Heber's book, The LA Shape Diet, lays out clearly both the science and the practical elements of this approach to weight control. The programme is based on four main concepts - the 4 P's:


In correcting obesity, one size does not fit all. Each body is unique in regard to lean body mass, body fat percentage and metabolic rate. We can now, with the appropriate equipment, easily measure these indices on anyone and use this information to create a customised weight management programme. Dr. Heber has developed a simple tool that allows these calculations to be done even over the telephone.


Your lean body mass (non-fat weight) will tell you exactly the amount of protein you will need to consume each day in order to change your shape. The plan guides you in using healthy, convenient and economical protein foods to achieve your goal. Delicious soy protein-based shakes are provided to make it easy for you to personalise your protein intake. Dr. Heber has done extensive research to demonstrate that properly designed meal-replacement shakes are extremely safe and effective for weight loss.


Health authorities are now recommending that we consume larger amounts of fruit and vegetables than ever before. For optimal health, men should eat nine, and women seven servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Medical research continues to demonstrate that plants, especially fruits and vegetables, contain a large number of health-enhancing substances. In Shapeworks, fruit and vegetables are used creatively to facilitate healthy weight loss.


Shapeworks is not a quick-fix scheme. It is essential to incorporate healthy lifestyle practices into the programme. Particular attention should be paid to exercise and stress management as these will greatly facilitate weight control while enhancing overall health and well-being.

With this in mind, the programme has a built-in support system designed to provide all the necessary information, motivation and follow-up. Hundreds of Jamaican Shapeworks weight-loss consultants have been trained and are now working all across the island. You can call 979-3333 or 927-8871 for a free body analysis and weight-loss consultation or for information on how to contact a Shapeworks consultant near you.

Email Dr. Tony Vendryes at vendryes@mac.com, log on to www.anounceofprevention.org, or listen to 'An Ounce of Prevention' on Power 106FM on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Importance of Water; Announcement of H³0™

Did you know that:

1. Water is an essential element for life?

2. Adults lose nearly 6 pints (12 cups) of water every day? We lose 1/2 cup to 1 cup a day from the soles of our feet. Another 2 to 4 cups is lost from breathing. Perspiration accounts for another 2 cups. Another 3 pints (6 cups) are lost in urine.

3. If you're not drinking sufficient water, your body starts retaining water to compensate for this shortage?

4. Morning sickness is a thirst signal of both the fetus & the mother?

Source: Email broadcast by Human Resource Department, University of Technology, Jamaica (July 16, 2007)

Introduction to H³0™
Did you know that Herbalife has a new product H³0™ that helps with our (possibly unidentified) dehydration problem? It packs a powerful 3-in-1 punch!

"H³0™ Fitness Drink is the next generation of hydration providing 1) rapid hydration, 2) sustained energy plus 3) antioxidant protection so you feel refreshed and energized all day long! Enjoy whenever you are thirsty or anytime you are physically active." Source: Herbalife.com

External Report by www.drinks-business-review.com
"Herbalife, a global nutrition direct selling company, has launched a drink that replaces electrolytes and other nutrients called H3O fitness, which it claims is formulated to provide rapid hydration, sustained energy, and antioxidant protection.

Los Angeles-based Herbalife said that the H3O fitness drink contains a proprietary blend of three key ingredients - electrolytes, carbohydrates, and antioxidants - which are depleted in the body during everyday activities and exercise. Electrolytes help the body absorb more fluids, while fast and slow absorbing carbohydrates increase the rate at which water is absorbed by the body.

In addition, the company claims, the antioxidants in H3O help prevent free radical build-up that can cause muscle soreness, fatigue, and joint discomfort.

The patent-pending, caffeine-free formula contains no artificial flavors or colors, and contains trehalose, a sugar that metabolizes slowly in the body for sustained energy. H3O contains about half the calories found in most soft drinks and fruit juice.

This drink is available in single-serve stick packs and in canisters, in orangeade and lemonade flavors.

Herbalife is a global network marketing company that sells weight-management, nutrition, and personal care products intended to support a healthy lifestyle.
Source: http://www.drinks-business-review.com/

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Challenges in Achieving Wellness Today

You can overcome obstacles to personal wellness with the Herbalife solution.

Herbalife Extravaganza July 2007

The Extravaganza Stage with Jamaican Flags

Jamaica was featured at the premiere annual event for Herbalife International in Dallas, Texas in July 2007.

Mrs. Vendryes & physician husband, President's Team, July 2007

Kathleen Russell Miller, Millionaire Team, BEFORE and AFTER pictures
Kathy lost eighty-two pounds (82 lbs) using Herbalife products! In the process, she lost her diabetes type II, high blood pressure and high cholestorol. Moreover, she also made a viable business using her success story. She is still being amazed by Herbalife after many years of product use....

Kathleen Russell Miller, Millionaire Team, on stage at Extravaganza 2007

Kathleen Russell Miller, Millionaire Team, speaks at Extravaganza 2007

Couple of Jamaican Millionaire Team Members with Flag, July 2007

Jamaican distributors proudly displaying patriotism with waving flags

LA Galaxy jerseys display Herbalife logo, July 2007; Smiling Jamaican "inserted" in team picture at Extravaganza

The renown football (soccer) player, David Beckham, joined LA Galaxy in July 2007. His jersey (with the Herbalife logo displayed above) has apparently already broken a record for annual sales by trading over 200,000 shirts in only two (2) days. Source: http://blog.myspace.com (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=84223816&blogID=287685279)

"Soccer star David Beckham landed in Los Angeles on Friday. Ticket sales for the L.A. Galaxy have soared and promotional tie ins were talked about.... Beckham was called Tiger Woods, Tom Cruise and the Beatles all rolled into one. The salary he is earning is $5.5 million with bonuses, new sponsorships and revenue sharing that could reach $50 million a year. Half a million jerseys with his name have been ordered with the name Herbalife plastered on the front."

The Herbalife brand is becoming a household name in Jamaica, the United States of America and around the world! Jamaica and Herbalife together is a powerful combination. Herbalife Jamaica is red hot!

Dr. V, President's Team, surrounded by two red hot ladies

Jamaican party at Herbalife Extravaganza July 2007

Celebration at Extravaganza 2007, Cowboy style in Dallas, Texas

Robin Carr, Global Expansion Team, relaxing at Extravaganza 2007

While enjoying the celebrations and training at Extravaganza, Robin is earning via multiple streams of income because of his growing team of Herbalife Distributors! In the TAB Team, you can earn in five (5) ways: retail, wholesale, royalty, bonus and promotions such as free vacations.

Site visitors, the possibilities are incredible. What are your dreams? Read about President Team members, top performers, in Herbalife: http://www.herbalifeww.com/ca/success/presidents/Index_occupation.asp

To view a PDF file with a review from Extravaganza, see the following URLs:
Dr. Luigi Gratton's presentation: http://herbalifemail.com/EVT/EVT01044_Extravaganza2007_PhotoGallery/Presentations/Fri_DrLuigi_en.pdf
Dr. Steve Henig's presentation: http://herbalifemail.com/EVT/EVT01044_Extravaganza2007_PhotoGallery/Presentations/Sat_DrHenig_en.pdf
Dr. David Heber's presentation:

Other presentations are also available in soft copy online; email 4nrg2b@gmail.com for more information.

See a picture album of the event with Jamaicans; click on this site address:


LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)[edited to past tense]--Herbalife Ltd., (NYSE: HLF - News) a global nutrition and direct selling company, [hosted] its annual North America extravaganza in Dallas, Texas, July 12 through July 15, 2007, with over 10,000 independent Herbalife distributors [expected] in attendance. The event [was] held at the Dallas Convention Center and Reunion Arena.

Herbalife was founded in 1980. In 2004, the company opened a sales and distribution center in Dallas to better serve local business.

Herbalife independent distributors [travelled] to Dallas for several days of new product introductions, training sessions, and recognition.

About Herbalife Ltd.

Herbalife (http://www.herbalife.com) is a global network marketing company that sells weight-management, nutritional supplements and personal care products intended to support a healthy lifestyle. Herbalife products are sold in 65 countries through a network of more than 1.5 million independent distributors. The company supports the Herbalife Family Foundation (http://www.herbalifefamily.org) and its Casa Herbalife program to bring good nutrition to children. Please visit Investor Relations (http://ir.herbalife.com) for additional financial information.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

"ReShape" Contest

100 Day "Heroic" Health Challenge / "ReShape" Contest
Lose or Gain 25 lbs by Jamaican National Heroes Day! (October 15, 2007 marks the end of the Challenge.)

At least 100 Persons Wanted for this extra special contest to start Healthy Sustainable Weight Change, totalling over 2000 lbs.

Extrinsic Goal: Attain & Maintain Attractive Shape!
Intrinsic Goal: Reduce Risk of Lifestyle Diseases.

When you're overweight, losing even 5-10% of your weight can improve your health significantly.

Prizes & Surprises
Open to Qualified Participants only. Conditions Apply. Participants must buy at least one (1) ShapeWorks product for the duration of contest to be a candidate for awards. [Results vary, depending on the customer's size, individual metabolism and level of physical activity during product consumption.]

Surprise for contestant with largest healthy percentage (%) change in body weight. "Dinner for two" for most deserving "ReShaping" contestant who has become lean and/or added muscle, as desired.

Body Composition analysis, weight and waist measurement, as well as digital pictures taken of all contestants, every three (3) - four (4) weeks until contest ends. For example, Shekira could be analyzed on Day 0, Day 28 (4 weeks), Day 56 (8 weeks), Day 77 (11 weeks), and Day 100.

Entry dates: 07/7/7 - 07/7/31 (International Date Format y/m/dd).
Expected date of announcement of contest winners: 07/11/11.
Notice: Participants with any serious health challenge(s) or who are over forty (40) years should see a physician before starting any exercise or weight loss/ gain program.

Upcoming Event(s)
Short Hike & Games "Bashment" on Heroes Day for all ReShape contestants: Monday, October 15, 2007. Location and Arrangements to be announced.

Income Opportunity
Referral Benefits in kind.
Call SAM (876) 810-1234 or email 4nrg2b@gmail.com for more details.

Background of Coordinator
SAM lost twenty pounds (20 lbs) easily using ShapeWorks(TM) products; as a certified personal trainer and ShapeWorks coach, she is competent to coach others who are serious about applying proven principles of sustainable fat loss. She is a strong advocate of ShapeWorks (TM) products and increased physical activity (including resistance training).

Ongoing support provided by Weight-Loss Coach, who is a certified personal trainer.

Participants are encouraged to start a simple blog to track their progress. Recording your goals in cyberspace will help to keep you accountable!

You could also choose to support others in the contest by meeting at nutrition clubs, or contacting each other using Internet-based communication such as email or chat.

[Blogging is free: Try your hand at using blogger.com, if you want to experiment with the new form of personal expression in the Digital Age.]

Newspaper Ads posted in Sunday Gleaner starting July 8 and in the Star starting Thursday July 12 2007.

Contest also announced by email, flyers and person-to-person contact.
Challenge / Contest updates in future blog entries.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wellness Industry "Advertising"

Quote of the Day
"Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it."
- Stephen Leacock

I think that attempting to bypass human intelligence through "sexy" advertisements is - in my opinion - mere manipulation in order to sell goods and services for personal or corporate profit at best or despicable deception that ultimately destroys society in the worst case scenario.... If you persuade persons to engage in practices that are costly in the long run, collectively the society loses, even if a corporation or individual collects funds for short term gain through their "brilliant" marketing efforts. We need win-win advertising, if at all possible....

How then can anyone ethically advertise anything? Sharing information about effective products and services is beneficial to all parties: the corporation, the customer and the media business. Good will is developed when information is spread that helps individuals and community at large; whether the source is from a brand company or not is hardly important.

Since this is a blog focusing on wellness and fitness, I'll share with you five (5) tips for appetite control.... If you are overweight or obese, application of this knowledge could help you lower your fat and thus reduce your risk or current impact of various lifestyle disease.

Dr. Vendryes, a prominent Jamaican physician, believes that five (5) foods effective for weight control are (1) water, (2) green tea, (3) soy drink, (4) green vegetables and (5) apples. I actually eat all of these foods almost every day, without fail. I have green tea two to four times per day, soy shake twice per day, green vegetables (usually from Jenny's restaurant on Ardenne Road) once per day, as well as Jamaican and American apples as snacks regularly. It works for me....

Perhaps, in the words below, you may find a reason to start or continue a program of drinking Herbal Concentrate green tea and Formula #1 Soy Shake regularly.....

The newspaper article follows in full below:

Five appetite-control foods
published: Thursday | February 3, 2005
Daily Gleaner, Dr. Anthony Vendryes

MANY PEOPLE have decided to lose weight this year. Congratulations! But many fear that they may not be able to control their appetite and that hunger will spoil their weight loss programme.

The weight control programme that I use is called Shapeworks and it is remarkably effective at appetite control. However, as you lose weight, you may experience hunger at one time or another. There are several 'lifesaving' foods and beverages you can turn to when you feel hunger that will not wreck your weight loss plan.

These foods and drinks are what I call appetite control foods. What these foods and beverages have in common is that they make your stomach feel like it's full of rich foods. But in reality, you are filling up with foods that contain few calories or carbohydrates. Even though your stomach is full, you are not adding calories to your intake. For example, if you eat one cup of peanuts versus a cup of shredded cabbage, your body can't really tell the difference for the first few minutes. Your stomach will turn off the hunger signals thinking you have eaten a large quantity of food regardless of whether you are eating cabbage or peanuts, but in fact the cabbage may only contain 10 calories while the peanuts contain as much as 500 calories. Raw cabbage is in fact, a great cure for stomach ulcers. But that's another article.


Fresh clean water. That's right: water is a powerful appetite suppressant and if you drink an 8-ounce glass of water when you first start feeling hungry, you will find that it suppresses your appetite in nearly every case. If you just drink a full glass of water and have the discipline to wait 10 minutes, you will find that your appetite is either completely gone or dramatically reduced.


Green tea: Green tea as distinct from the black tea found in regular tea bags is an excellent beverage for weight control. It not only controls appetite but it stimulates the body's metabolism to burn fat, enhances energy levels, offers protection from several cancers and is useful for hypertension and circulatory disorders. These benefits are not dependent on the small amount of natural caffeine found in green tea. Green tea can be had hot or cold with natural sweeteners.


Soy Protein Shakes and Snacks

Add 8 ounces of unsweetened soy milk to the blender, along with 2 tablespoons of Shapeworks Formula #1 Protein powder and a slice of papaya, or half of a banana or apple and blend. This provides an excellent low calorie meal replacement drink that will satisfy your appetite. Avoid those popular meal replacement drinks that contain lots of sugar and carbohydrates and not enough protein. Roasted soy nuts, soy soups, fruit flavoured beverages and bars are other ways to use soy for appetite control while enjoying the many health benefits of soy.


Green Vegetables: Vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, bokchoy, field greens and other leafy vegetables contain so few calories that you don't need to count them. Allow yourself to eat an unlimited quantity of any green leafy vegetables. They are 'free' foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and cancer fighting substances, and yet at the same time, they fill your stomach and make you feel full, turning off the hunger signals in your brain. You can consume these green leafy vegetables in different ways. Most people don't like to eat them plain. Instead, you can make a salad and then add only 100 calories worth of salad dressing. You need to find some of the lower calorie salad dressings available, and try to avoid MSG, high-fructose corn syrup, and other ingredients in your dressing.


Apples: Eat the largest apple you can find of either the Jamaican or American variety. Sure, they contain some calories and some carbohydrates, but the apple will fill you up for quite a while, and that will stop you from eating far more calorie-rich foods.

Let me explain. If you are very hungry, it's very easy to reach for some processed foods like a bag of chips or crackers, for example. You can start nibbling away until you've consumed 1000 calories or more. But, it's almost impossible to eat 1000 calories worth of apples. You'll probably fill up even before reaching 400 calories. Apples are great appetite suppressing foods because the fibre fills up your stomach and turns off your appetite before you overeat. Plus, apples contain various vitamins and minerals and anticancer agents.


Fibre supplements

Swallow a couple of fibre tablets before you begin eating. Fibre tablets could include oat bran fibre, apple pectin fibre, or other natural fibres. This creates a feeling of fullness with little food. Although several fibre supplements are available, I recommend one in which the fibre has been "activated" to trap and eliminate any excess fat in your meal. Be careful to drink plenty of water as you take these tablets because without adequate water, they can slow up your digestive system. So, another reason to drink plenty of water.

Herbal Tablets

A variety of herbs is effective at safely suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss. I recommend a tablet that contains a combination of several herbs (Ephedra free) that suppress appetite while stimulating fat burning. They are far better than weight loss drugs.


You may email Dr. Vendryes at Vendryes@mac.com or listen to An Ounce of Prevention on POWER 106 FM on Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 - 10:30 p.m.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Cultural Acclimation to Herbalife Jamaica

Word of the Day 7/7/07: "Acclimate"
\uh-KLY-mit; AK-luh-mayt\, transitive and intransitive verb:
To accustom or become accustomed to a new climate, environment, or situation.

Herbalife acclimates to Jamaica, opening successful friendly Nutrition Clubs in convenient locations islandwide

The Wellness Industry and Western Culture usually clash!
However, Herbalife actually provides Nutritious "Fast Food", made quickly. The Core Products, a Soy Shake and Herbal Concentrate Green Tea served together, is an ideal meal replacement. We can confidently testify that this cellular nutrition program provides numerous benefits because of the positive results experienced by countless nutrition club members. ShapeWorks (TM) and other Herbalife Products are available from distributors and Nutrition Clubs all across Jamaica.

100 Day "Heroic" Health Challenge / "ReShape" Contest
Lose or Gain 25 lbs by National Heroes Day! At least 100 Persons Wanted for Healthy Sustainable Weight Change, Totalling over 2000 lbs.

Extrinsic Goal: Attain & Maintain Attractive Shape!
Intrinsic Goal: Reduce Risk of Lifestyle Diseases.

(N.B. When you're overweight, losing even 5-10% of your weight can improve your health significantly.)

Body Composition analysis, weight and waist measurement, as well as digital pictures taken of all contestants, every three (3) - four (4) weeks until contest ends. For example, Shekira could be analyzed on Day 0, Day 28 (4 weeks), Day 56 (8 weeks), Day 77 (11 weeks), and Day 100.

Prizes & Surprises
Open to Qualified Participants only. Conditions Apply.
Surprise for contestant with largest healthy percentage (%) change in body weight. "Dinner for two" for most deserving "ReShaping" contestant who has become lean and/or added muscle, as desired.

Entry dates: 07/7/7 - 07/7/31 (International Date Format y/m/dd).
Expected date of announcement of contest winners: 07/11/11.
Notice: Participants with any serious health challenge(s) or who are over forty (40) years should see a physician before starting any exercise or weight loss/ gain program.

Short Hike & Games "Bashment" on Heroes Day for all ReShape contestants: Monday, October 15, 2007. Location and Arrangements to be announced.

Referral Benefits in kind.
Call SAM (876) 810-1234 or email 4nrg2b@gmail.com for more details.

SAM lost twenty pounds (20 lbs) easily using Herbalife products; as a certified personal trainer, she is competent to coach others who are serious about applying proven principles of sustainable fat loss. She is a strong advocate of ShapeWorks (TM) products and increased physical activity (including resistance training).

Newspaper Ads posted in Sunday Gleaner starting July 8
and in the Star starting Thursday July 12 2007.
Challenge / Contest updates in future blog entries.


It was easy to acclimate to Herbalife products, despite my initial skepticism. Daily I would drive for a break from my teaching job to a nutrition club to enjoy the social environment, read the paper and appreciate a delicious shake and tea. However, the nutritional supplements required that you remember to take them at the suggested intervals. Since NRG (Nature's Raw Guarana) tablets improved my alertness, I started to carry the bottle in my bag everywhere I went. And I used my tablet box for other supplements including Herbalifeline (fish oil) and Tang Keui (Chinese herbs). Sometimes I forgot to refill my supply; a new habit requires some amount of "stick-to-it-iveness" so I eventually modified my behavior. And, since I lost weight easily, the only major adjustment needed "after" Herbalife was in my clothing....

However, to be frank, I still find it difficult to acclimate to the culture of Herbalife Jamaica, despite my success in using so many of the products and retailing to almost twenty (20) customers to date. I've been trying to understand why this is the case.

My first (1st) problem was getting past the latent suspicion in my head that most Multi-level Marketing companies are pyramid schemes. It's all about the difference between short-term duplicity (which is unethical) and long-term duplicability (which utilizes the concept of leverage brilliantly).

Scam artists who start pyramid schemes are full of duplicity, wanting to deceive unsuspecting persons to spend their funds on a faulty marketing plan that is dependent on finding a chain of naive investors who find others in a pyramid structure that eventually collapses since no value is added to the marketplace.

Successful Multi-level marketing (MLM) companies want proven systems that can be easily duplicated so that new distributors will be quickly able to retail and recruit well. A sustainable MLM or network marketing company must offer excellent products to keep customers coming back for more and more. But to retain distributors, a T.E.A.M. approach is required: Training, Excellence, Attractiveness and Mentoring.

Herbalife Jamaica has the highest retention rate within the sixty-four countries offering Herbalife products as of June 2007. (Zambia, the 65th country to join the Herbalife family, will start distributor sales later in July 2007.) The retention level is relatively high because many Herbalife distributors in Jamaica are successful in their marketing efforts to some degree; as such, Jamaican folk tend to maintain their status within Herbalife as a distributor or move up to supervisor. Moreover, the annual product sales in Jamaica increased by 80% from 2005 to 2006. The major reason for this growth is the inception of Nutrition Clubs throughout the length and breadth of this island. Home-based and Commercial Nutrition Clubs are successful because we offer nutritious products and friendly service in a community setting.

Herbalife Jamaica demonstrates TEAM work in tangible ways.
Training opportunities abound, including Success Training Seminars, QuickStart, Personal Development, and Nutrition Club trainings;
Excellent products are available readily from the Jamaican warehouse in Kingston;
Attractive Marketing Plan provides the opportunity for persons to work hard to achieve their desired level of success, given their personal constraints;
Mentoring is available from your sponsor; moreover, uplines provide helpful advice to newbies to encourage and teach, where necessary.

Ultimately, there is no "Anancy" duplicity in the business model of Herbalife Jamaica. Don't forgot that results vary - for weight loss and for earning levels. As Dr. Steven Komadina says, one size does not fit all. Solutions are personalized for each customer; moreover, tools are selected by each distributor based on their preferences. Each distributor is instructed to plan a personal Daily Method of Operation (DMO) that includes at least three tools each for both Retailing and Recruiting. My favorite tool conceptually is the Total Plan, which I have not yet executed to date. My three most successful tools to date has been flyers, referrals and hosting a Wellness Seminar last Saturday June 30.

In my opinion, this is really a great time to be involved in the business of Herbalife Jamaica since growth is likely to be exponential at this juncture.

My second (2nd) problem in acclimating to the culture of Herbalife Jamaica is to accept and be proud to be a sales agent of Herbalife products. I was initially very turned off by the presumably "ignorant" zeal of some Herbalife distibutors. Worse yet, I never ever wanted to be a mere re-seller of any products, no matter how superb. Now, as a "PHD", a Professional Herbalife Distributor, I am much more than this: I am a weight-loss and wellness coach for my clients, helping to facilitate their optimal health. My individual goal is to build a team within my organization that works smart rather than too hard, to achieve SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) goals; in this team, I would help support my downline distributors using my training as a certified fitness trainer and my ongoing online study in nutrition. In case you're interested, I will continue to do this on a part-time basis....

What is wonderful is that my involvement will directly improve national health as my team helps to reduce the incidence of obesity. Unfortunately, obesity is the largest underlying cause of morbidity (death) in the Caribbean today, no pun intended. I learned this from a physician speaking on "Your Issues Live" on TVJ recently. I was actually at the live broadcast at University of Technology, Jamaica; I enjoyed asking three (3) pertinent questions near the end of the program. Interestingly, two (2) articulate UTech students spoke as well: Karl Wilkinson, the outgoing student president whom I taught, and a young female student from the small dietetics program, who later thanked me for reminding the audience that physicians are not very knowledgeable about nutrition.

My third (3rd) problem in the transition process has been finding additional coaches, mentors and heroes in Team Herbalife. I learned recently that I can be helped significantly by sideline and crossline distributors as well as using the traditional assistance from uplines (and downlines) that is available. I am still trying to identify the person(s) at the "Millionaire Team" level in Jamaica that I can actively call or email for guidance in my quest to aspire to that level of the Marketing Plan. (Well, I may not need that right now anyway at my present level....) Moreover, I have already co opted persons at the Global Expansion Team (GET) and World Team level that I can learn much from in the months to come.


I need to acclimate to wizardry required for the "simple" task of creating a blog with a "WOW" factor. Note: Only the first two (2) videos on the right in "Herbalife Success Revealed" can be played; please watch. The last two (2) pictures of a crowd and a smiling woman should be deleted in the near future. I'm still trying to work out technical difficulties since I'm new to blogging. After some investigation, some videos don't work anymore and others don't show because its creator doesn't allow embedding into other web sites. I should be able to delete them and keep the other video clips but I can't figure out how yet..... Forgive my ineptitude!


By the way, I was inspired to write this entry because I saw the erroneous(?) use of duplicity instead of duplicability in an article on a web site that is copied in part below:

What is the most important word in MLM – money, greed, positioning, recruiting?
Those are all key considerations, but they are afterthoughts to the word that is most critical to success in network marketing – duplicity. People initially get involved with MLM because of money, greed, positioning and recruiting, however most will not succeed and become long standing participants in your opportunity unless they are provided a duplicable system that will guide them in their business building efforts.

The MLM ethos is dominated by personalities; super recruiters and "heavy hitters" that represent the ideal of what a distributor can be. In reality, super recruiters and heavy hitters are few and far between. While they do exist, they are far fewer than people who represent themselves to be in that category.

Much more common, and the group that will likely comprise the majority of your distributor base, are average, everyday people. There are many more people – your neighbor, grocer, co-worker, etc. – that become involved with MLM on a part time basis.

These people may have little to no experience with sales. In fact, your MLM company may be their first introduction to selling.

This group also tends to be loyal to your company so long as they believe in your product or service, are treated fairly and are able to realize a part time (even if modest) income from your opportunity.

Source: mlmcorporate.com



Food for thought? Looking forward to your comments.

Countdown until "ReShape" Contest Complete

Why Wellness Industry

Isn't time you cashed into the wellness industry?

Interview with Author of "Wellness Revolution" book

Hear Paul Zane Pilzer talk about his research on the growing wellness industry on this video.

Herbalife MarketWatch Info

Last Update: 5:31 PM ET May 1, 2007

(EDGAR Online via COMTEX) -- Item 2. Management's Discussion And Analysis Of Financial Condition And Results Of Operations

[Graphs not shown below. See link at end of article.]

We are a global network marketing company that sells weight management, nutritional supplement and personal care products. We pursue our mission of "changing people's lives" by providing a financially rewarding business opportunity to distributors and quality products to distributors and their customers who seek a healthy lifestyle. We are one of the largest network marketing companies in the world with net sales of approximately $1.9 billion for the year ended December 31, 2006. We sell our products in 64 countries through a network of over 1.5 million independent distributors except in China, where we sell our products through retail stores and an employed sales force. We believe the quality of our products and the effectiveness of our distribution network, coupled with geographic expansion, have been the primary reasons for our success throughout our 27-year operating history.

We offer products in three principal categories: weight management products, nutritional supplements which we refer to as "Targeted Nutrition" and personal care products which we refer to as "Outer Nutrition(R)". Our products are often sold in programs, which are comprised of a series of related products designed to simplify weight management and nutrition for consumers and maximize our distributors' cross-selling opportunities.

Industry-wide factors that affect us and our competitors include the increasing prevalence of obesity and the aging of the worldwide population, which are driving demand for nutrition and wellness-related products and the recruitment and retention of distributors.

The opportunities and challenges upon which we are most focused are: retailing of our products, recruitment and retention of distributors and improving distributor productivity, new markets, further penetrating existing markets including China, globalizing successful distributor methods of operation (such as Nutrition Clubs), introducing new products, developing niche market segments and further investing in our infrastructure.

In July 2006, we changed our geographic units from four to seven units as part of our on-going realignment for growth efforts. These changes are intended to create growth opportunities for our distributors, support faster decision making across the organization by reducing layers of management, improve the sharing of ideas and tools and accelerate growth in our high potential markets. Under the new geographic units we report revenue from:
North America, which consists of the U.S., Canada, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic;
Mexico and Central America, which consists of Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama;
South America and Southeast Asia, which includes New Zealand and Australia and excludes Brazil;
EMEA, which consists of Europe, the Middle East and Africa;
Greater China, which consists of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; and
North Asia, which consists of Japan and Korea.

Historical information presented related to our geographic units has been reclassified to conform to our current geographic presentation.

A key non-financial measure we focus on is Volume Points on a Royalty Basis, or Volume Points, which is essentially our weighted unit measure of product sales volume. It is a useful measure for us, as it excludes the impact of foreign currency fluctuations and ignores the differences generated by varying retail pricing across geographic markets. In general, an increase in Volume Points in a particular group or country directionally indicates an increase in local currency net sales.

Volume Points by Geographic Unit
For the Three Months Ended March 31,
2006 2007 % Change

(Volume points in millions)
North America 130.7 162.3 24.2 %
Mexico & Central America 136.4 154.7 13.4 %
Brazil 44.7 40.3 (9.8 )%
South America & Southeast Asia 56.7 75.5 33.2 %
EMEA 148.9 140.4 (5.7 )%
Greater China 31.9 44.7 40.1 %
North Asia 30.7 32.8 6.8 %
Worldwide 580.0 650.7 12.2 %

Number of New Supervisors by Geographic Unit as of Reporting Period
Another key non-financial measure on which we focus is the number of distributors qualified as new supervisors under our compensation system. Distributors qualify for supervisor status based on their Volume Points. The growth in the number of new supervisors is a general indicator of the level of distributor recruitment, which generally drives net sales in a particular country or group.

As of March 31,
2006 2007 % Change
North America 7,616 9,013 18.3 %
Mexico & Central America 8,299 7,176 (13.5 )%
Brazil 5,087 4,108 (19.2 )%
South America & Southeast Asia 6,366 8,858 39.1 %
EMEA 9,132 7,642 (16.3 )%
Greater China 2,833 5,314 87.6 %
North Asia 2,284 2,115 (7.4 )%
Worldwide 41,617 44,226 6.3 %

Number of Supervisors and Retention Rates by Geographic Unit as of Requalification Period
Our compensation system requires each supervisor to re-qualify for such status each year, prior to February. In February of each year, we delete from the rank of supervisor those distributors who did not satisfy the supervisor qualification requirements during the preceding twelve months. Distributors who meet the supervisor requirements at any time during the year are promoted to supervisor status at that time, including any supervisors who were deleted, but who subsequently requalified.

Number of Supervisors Supervisors Retention Rate
2006 2007 2006 2007
North America 45,778 54,375 41.2 % 43.1 %
Mexico & Central America 38,344 62,622 57.4 % 55.2 %
Brazil 27,318 28,974 29.0 % 28.8 %
South America & Southeast Asia 30,846 46,393 31.6 % 33.9 %
EMEA 66,103 64,862 45.0 % 46.2 %
Greater China 19,447 25,868 34.7 % 34.7 %
North Asia 15,736 15,697 48.6 % 43.0 %
Worldwide 243,572 298,791 41.5 % 42.5 %

Supervisors must re-qualify annually. The requalification period covers the twelve months starting in February and ending the following January. The number of supervisors by geographic unit as of the reporting dates will normally be higher than the number of supervisors by geographic unit as of the requalification period because supervisors who do not re-qualify during the relevant twelve-month period will be dropped from the rank of supervisor the following February. For the latest twelve month re-qualification period ending January 2007, approximately 42.5 percent of our supervisors re-qualified. Since supervisors purchase most of our products for resale to other distributors and consumers, comparisons of supervisor totals on a year-to-year, same period basis are good indicators of our recruitment and retention efforts in different geographic units.

The value of the average monthly purchase of Herbalife products by our supervisors has remained relatively constant over time. Consequently, increases in our sales are driven primarily by our retention of supervisors and by our recruitment and retention of distributors, rather than through increases in the productivity of our overall supervisor base.
We provide distributors with products, support material, training, special events and a competitive compensation program. If a distributor wants to pursue the Herbalife business opportunity, the distributor is responsible for growing his or her business and personally pays for the sales activities related to attracting new customers and recruiting distributors by hosting events such as Herbalife Opportunity Meetings or Success Training Seminars; by advertising Herbalife's products, by purchasing and using promotional materials such as t-shirts, buttons and caps; by utilizing and paying for direct mail and print material such as brochures, flyers, catalogs, business cards, posters and banners and telephone book listings; by purchasing inventory for sale or use as samples; and by training, mentoring and following up (in person or via the phone or internet) with customers and recruits on how to use Herbalife products and/or pursue the Herbalife business opportunity.

"Retail Sales" represent the gross sales amounts on our invoices to distributors before distributor allowances (as defined below), and "Net Sales", which reflects distribution allowances and handling and freight income, represent what we collect and recognize as net sales in its financial statements. We discuss Retail Sales because of its fundamental role in our compensation systems, internal controls and operations, including its role as the basis upon which distributor discounts, royalties and bonuses are awarded. In addition, it is used as the basis for certain information included in daily and monthly reports reviewed by our management. However, such a measure is not in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the U.S., or GAAP. You should not consider Retail Sales in isolation from, nor as a substitute for, net sales and other consolidated income or cash flow statement data prepared in accordance with GAAP, or as a measure of profitability or liquidity. A reconciliation of Net Sales to Retail Sales is presented below under "Results of Operations. "Product Sales" represent the actual product purchase price paid to us by our distributors, after giving effect to distributor discounts referred to as "distributor allowances," which approximate 50% of retail sales prices. Distributor allowances as a percentage of sales may vary by country depending upon regulatory restrictions that limit or otherwise restrict distributor allowances.

Our "gross profit" consists of net sales less "cost of sales," which represents the prices we pay to our raw material suppliers and manufacturers of our products as well as costs related to product shipments, duties and tariffs, freight expenses relating to shipment of products to distributors and importers and similar expenses.

"Royalty Overrides" are our most significant expense and consist of: royalty overrides, and production bonuses which total approximately 15% and 7%, respectively, of the Retail Sales of Weight Management, Targeted Nutrition, Outer Nutrition(R) and promotional products; the Mark Hughes Bonus payable to some of our most senior distributors in the aggregate amount of up to 1% of retail sales of Weight Management, Targeted Nutrition, Outer Nutrition(R) and promotional products; and other discretionary incentive cash bonuses to qualifying distributors.

Royalty Overrides are generally earned based on retail sales, and approximate in the aggregate about 22% of retail sales or approximately 36% of our net sales. Royalty Overrides together with distributor allowances represent the potential earnings to distributors of up to approximately 73% of retail sales. The compensation to distributors is generally for the development, retention and improved productivity of their distributor sales organizations and is paid to several levels of distributors on each sale. Due to restrictions on direct selling in China, our full-time employed sales representatives in China are compensated with wages, bonuses and benefits instead of the distributors earnings, distributor allowances and royalty overrides. Because of local country regulatory constraints, we may be required to modify our typical distributor incentive plans as described above. Consequently, the total distributor discount percentage may vary over time. We also offer reduced distributor allowances and pay reduced royalty overrides with respect to certain products worldwide.
Our "operating margins" consist of net sales less cost of sales and royalty overrides.

"Selling, General and Administrative Expenses" represent our operating expenses, components of which include labor and benefits, sales events, professional fees, travel and entertainment, distributor marketing, occupancy costs, communication costs, bank fees, depreciation and amortization, foreign exchange gains and losses and other miscellaneous operating expenses.

Most of our sales to distributors outside the United States are made in the respective local currencies. In preparing our financial statements, we translate revenues into U.S. dollars using average exchange rates. Additionally, the majority of our purchases from our suppliers generally are made in U.S. dollars. Consequently, a strengthening of the U.S. dollar versus a foreign currency can have a negative impact on our reported sales and operating margins and can generate transaction losses on intercompany transactions. Throughout the last five years, foreign currency exchange rates have fluctuated significantly. From time to time, we enter into foreign exchange forward contracts and option contracts to mitigate our foreign currency exchange risk.

Summary Financial Results
For the three months ended March 31, 2007, net sales increased 11.5% to $508.1 million from $455.8 million for the three months ended March 31, 2006. The increase reflects the continued retailing success from distributors using the Nutrition Club operating method in Mexico and the U.S. The growth in the two markets accounted for 55.1% of the overall increase in net sales. Venezuela and certain other South American countries also experienced significant sales growth due in part to the opening of Peru during the first quarter of 2007, while net sales in Brazil declined. Net sales for the three months ended March 31, 2007 in EMEA and North Asia, were flat when compared to the same period in 2006.

Net income increased for the three months ended March 31, 2007 to $41.2 million, or $0.55 per diluted share, from $38.7 million, or $0.53 per diluted share for the same period in 2006. The net income increase was driven by revenue growth primarily in Mexico and the U.S. markets and lower interest expense following a debt refinancing in July 2006. Net income for the three months ended March 31, 2007 included a $1.0 million unfavorable after tax impact in connection with the Realignment for Growth plan and a $3.6 million charge for an increase in tax reserve. Net income for the three months ended March 31, 2006 included the impact of a $3.7 million tax benefit resulting from an international income tax settlement.

Results of Operations
Our results of operations for the periods described below are not necessarily indicative of results of operations for future periods, which depend upon numerous factors, including our ability to recruit and retain new distributors, open new markets and further penetrate existing markets and introduce new products and develop niche market segments.

The following table sets forth selected results of our operations expressed as a percentage of net sales for the periods indicated.

Three Months Ended
March 31, March 31,
2006 2007
Net sales 100.0 % 100.0 %
Cost of sales 20.1 21.1
Gross profit 79.9 78.9
Royalty overrides 36.3 35.5
Selling, general & admin expenses 29.6 29.4
Operating income 14.0 14.0
Interest expense 1.3 0.4
Income before income taxes and minority interest 12.7 13.6
Income taxes 4.2 5.5
Net income 8.5 % 8.1 %

Three months ended March 31, 2007 compared to three months ended March 31, 2006
Net Sales
The following chart reconciles Retail Sales to net sales:
Sales by Geographic Region
Three Months Ended March 31,
2006 2007
Handling Handling Change
Retail Distributor Product & Freight Net Retail Distributor Product & Freight Net in Net
Sales Allowance Sales Income Sales Sales Allowance Sales
Income Sales Sales
(Dollars in millions)
EMEA $ 232.3 $ (111.3 ) $ 121.0 $ 20.5 $ 141.5 $ 234.1 $ (112.7 ) $ 121.4 $ 21.8 $ 143.2 1.2 %
Mexico & Central America 141.5 (68.7 ) 72.8 11.2 84.0 161.3 (78.4 ) 82.9 13.0 95.9 14.2 %
North America 140.9 (67.7 ) 73.2 13.9 87.1 168.5 (80.3 ) 88.2 16.3 104.5 20.0 %
SAMSEA 73.3 (34.6 ) 38.7 4.8 43.5 94.4 (45.5 ) 48.9 6.9 55.8 28.3 %
Brazil 59.0 (28.3 ) 30.7 4.8 35.5 54.2 (25.7 ) 28.5 4.8 33.3 (6.2 )%
Greater China 45.9 (20.2 ) 25.7 2.9 28.6 62.6 (25.4 ) 37.2 3.5 40.7 42.3 %
North Asia 58.2 (26.7 ) 31.5 4.1 35.6 56.1 (25.3 ) 30.8 3.9 34.7 (2.5 )%
Worldwide $ 751.1 $ (357.5 ) $ 393.6 $ 62.2 $ 455.8 $ 831.2 $ (393.3 ) $ 437.9 $ 70.2 $ 508.1 11.5 %

Changes in net sales are directly associated with the recruiting and retention of our distributor force, retailing of our products, the quality and completeness of the product offerings that the distributor force has to sell and the number of countries in which we operate. Management's role, both in-country and at the corporate level is to provide distributors with a competitive and broad product line, encourage strong teamwork and leadership among the Chairman's Club and President's Team distributors and offer leading edge business tools to make doing business with Herbalife simple.

Management uses the distributor marketing program coupled with educational and motivational tools and promotions to incentivize distributors to increase recruiting, retention and retailing, which in turn affect net sales. Such tools include company sponsored sales events such as Extravaganzas and World Team Schools where large groups of distributors gather, thus allowing them to network with other distributors, learn recruiting, retention and retailing techniques from our leading distributors and become more familiar with how to market and sell our products and business opportunities. Accordingly, management believes that these development and motivation programs can increase the productivity of the supervisor network. The expenses for such programs are included in Selling General & Administrative Expenses. Sales are driven by several factors, including the number and productivity of distributors and supervisors who continually build, educate and motivate their respective distribution and sales organizations. We also use event and non-event product promotions to motivate distributors to increase recruiting, retention and retailing activities. These promotions have prizes ranging from qualifying for events to product prizes and vacations. The costs of these promotions are included in Selling, General & Administrative Expenses.

The factors described above have helped distributors increase their business, which in turn has driven growth in our business. The following net sales by geographic unit discussion further details some of the above factors and describes unique growth factors specific to certain major countries. We believe that the correct business foundation, coupled with ongoing training and promotional initiatives, is required to increase recruiting and retention of distributors and retailing of our products. The correct business foundation includes strong country management that works closely with the distributor leadership, unified distributor leadership, a broad product line that appeals to local consumer needs, a favorable regulatory environment, a scalable and stable technology platform and an attractive distributor marketing plan. Initiatives such as Success Training Seminars, World Team Schools, Promotional Events and regional Extravaganzas are integral components of developing a highly motivated and educated distributor sales organization that will work toward increasing the recruitment and retention of distributors.

Our strategy will continue to include creating and maintaining growth within existing markets while expanding into new markets. We expect to increase our spending in Selling, General & Administrative Expenses to maintain or stimulate sales growth, while making strategic investments in new initiatives and in new markets.

In addition, new ideas and distributor business methods, or DMO's, are being generated in our regional markets, either by distributors, country management or corporate management. Examples are the Nutrition Clubs in Mexico, the Total Plan in Brazil, The Wellness Coach in France, The Sampling Program in the U.S., and Generation Herbalife, or GenH, in many of our markets, as described under "Net Sales" below. Management's strategy is to review the applicability of expanding successful country initiatives throughout a region and where appropriate, financially support the globalization of these initiatives.

North America
Net sales in North America increased $17.4 million, or 20.0%, for the three months ended March 31, 2007, as compared to the same period of 2006. In local currency, net sales increased 20.2% for the three months ended March 31, 2007, as compared to the same period of 2006. The fluctuation of foreign currency rates had an unfavorable impact of $0.1 million on net sales for the three months ended March 31, 2007. The overall increase was a result of net sales growth in the U.S. of $18.3 million or 22.5% for the three months ended March 31, 2007, as compared to the same period of 2006. In the U.S., we expanded our branding efforts with AEG by entering into an exclusive sponsorship agreement with the LA Galaxy soccer team. We also agreed to a major sponsorship agreement with an AVP Volleyball tour athlete, Karch Kiraly.
The increase in net sales in the U.S. was a result of a number of factors, including supervisor growth, up 19.7% at March 31, 2007, as compared to the same period of 2006, the continued strong relationship between the U.S. country management team and the distributor leadership, continued branding efforts such as sponsorship of the 2007 Amgen Tour of California bicycle race and the growth of the Nutrition Club DMO amongst our Latino distributors. To further support the retailing and recruiting efforts of our distributors, we opened a new sales center in Phoenix, Arizona in April 2007 and introduced a new flavor, Pina Colada, into our top selling Formula 1 shake line in the U.S. In January 2007, our Kickoff Supervisor Trainings attracted over 6,700 Distributors across 16 cities.

We believe that 2007 net sales in North America should continue to show positive year over year growth primarily as a result of the expected continuation of strong momentum in the U.S., the continued success and expansion of the Nutrition Club concept and increased focus on the Lead Generation/ Sampling.

Mexico and Central America
Net sales in Mexico and Central America for the three months ended March 31, 2007 increased $11.9 million, or 14.2%, as compared to the same period of 2006. In local currency, net sales for the three months ended March 31, 2007 increased 18.6%, as compared to the same period of 2006. The fluctuation of foreign currency rates had an unfavorable impact of $3.8 million on net sales for the three months ended March 31, 2007. The overall increase was primarily a result of net sales growth in Mexico of $10.5 million or 12.6% for the three months ended March 31, 2007.

The increase in net sales in Mexico was primarily driven by very strong sales in the re-qualification month of January 2007 and strong supervisor growth, up 56.2% at March 31, 2007, as compared to March 31, 2006. The 2007 retention rate . . .

May 01, 2007 (c) 1995-2007 Cybernet Data Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved

N.B. Graphs not shown above. Link to original article: